My Projects


BloggingByte is a blogging platform built with Node.js and MongoDB. It offers blog creation and user features. Hosted on AWS.

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Password Manager securely stores and manages your passwords. Passwords are encrypted for security and can be decrypted. You can add passwords for multiple websites.

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KickVault is a user-friendly e-commerce platform built with Angular 17, offering high performance, scalability, and a responsive design for both desktop and mobile devices.

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Personal Portfolio

Portfolio website made with Angular - showcases web development journey, technical mastery blended with creative expression through HTML, CSS.

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This is a simple web-based calculator built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

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A simple, interactive web application built with Angular that allows users to dynamically change the background color of the page using a color picker

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To-Do List

A minimalistic Todo List app built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, featuring task addition, completion marking, and deletion capabilities.

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Tic Tac Toe!

Tic Tac Toe game - HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Simple yet interactive, delightful web experience.

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